
My photo
I'm an actress in Los Angeles with an Ewok for a dog and a lot of work ahead of me. Read first hand what happens when you pack up and head out West!


Five Months in and We're Moving

Don't let the Bed Bugs Bite.  Literally.

Consider this a public service announcement to those of us who truly thought this was simply an idiom said as part of a goodnight routine.  Bedbugs are real, they are gross, and they are in my apartment.  Now before you get all "ewww, lets not be Lena's friend anymore" let me enlighten you on the complete situation.

Bed bugs don't show up because you're gross.
While keeping your apartment clean is extremely important, it will not prevent bed bugs.  Unlike ants, or roaches, or flies, they are not attracted to clutter, grime, mess, etc.  However, it is important to know that having a cluttered home makes it easy for them to hide.  I had been keeping my apartment as tidy as possible but they're here.

Bed bugs bite you.  
I know right?! Creepy, yes.  Extremely hazardous, no.  Unlike they're malaria ridden distance cousins, these blood sucking parasites don't transmit diseases.  Don't ask me why, its just what my research says.  So while the thought of a creepy crawly sticking his microscopic straw into your skin and loading up on stolen nutrients does freak me out and make it impossible to sleep, knowing I won't get some terrible terminal disease is a plus.

They're fast.
Ever since the indisputable discovery was made, my boyfriend and I have been killing and capturing any bugs we find.  While websites will tell you they only crawl and can't fly or jump, they don't tell you how fast they are.  Its gross.  And if you squish them they might leave a streak of blood like mosquitoes do on your arm.

Dust mite covers don't work.  
Bed bugs will literally chew holes through these covers so don't waste your money.  The good ones are $70+ and trust me...they don't work.

even if all you see are traces, take it seriously
Catching an infestation and acting immediately will help you.  
As soon as we knew they had invaded our bedroom we washed EVERYTHING in hot water, and whatever could not be washed we steamed with our iron.  Bed bugs can't take extreme cold or heat.  Ignoring an infestation could lead to them spreading to your clothes, your other furniture, your rugs; it could cost you thousands of dollars.

Even acting quickly won't save everything.
After the washing and steaming, after replacing the wood slats in the bed frame, and after our landlords had fumigated our apartment, we've still seen a couple bugs.  Now while these may simply be the best and brightest of their little insect population, I am not taking any chances.  Our entire bed will need to be replaced, everything re-washed, and the grand finale...

We're moving.
this chart shows the density of beg bugs around the nation
The best way to get rid of a bed bug problem is to walk away.  Bed bugs are on the rise especially in major meccas like Los Angeles.  Talk to your landlords directly about any history the building might have.  After discovering our infestation I spoke with a woman who used to live on my floor and had the same problem.

Having bed bugs is not your fault, but you do need to take responsibility for taking action as soon as you can.

We can't wait to start fresh and finally "sleep tight".

And just to give you the heebie jeebies here's a photos of the little jerks
they're tiny, flat, and brown.  we only saw one or two but that didn't mean they're weren't more