
My photo
I'm an actress in Los Angeles with an Ewok for a dog and a lot of work ahead of me. Read first hand what happens when you pack up and head out West!


My September Resolution


I never thought that word and blogging would ever meet.  But that's what I've been thinking about lately.  I am in the entertainment profession.  I am a one-man-band.  I am a walking, talking, very small business.  And I need to do everything I can to encourage success in my life.  Encourage is a great word when talking about success.  Success can be inherited - but it can also be squandered. Success can be earned through hard work, sweat, blood, tears, and all other bodily functions - but its not a guarantee.

To say that one's success was earned seems like a misnomer.  In this industry, I meet people everyday who work their asses to the bone, have talent to boot, and are not successful.  There is an undeniable element of chance involved in every risk; and working to be a professional actor is one hell of a risk.  But you don't win the lottery if you don't play.  In order to be a part of those wonderful once in a lifetime moments, you need to present.  So I work as hard as I can (and still stay healthy, happy, and sane) and keep my eyes peeled for my golden opportunities.

Positive thinking.  Pshaw!  That's what I always said to myself when people would get all touchy feely about Mind over Matter.  Think it to Win it!  If you believe it you can BE IT!  It all sounded not only canned, but dishonest.  Lately, however, I have found my new relationship with positive thinking.  Its not about sitting around all day practicing my Oscar speech.  Its about going through life knowing that great opportunities will come, and my job is to recognize them.  Daydreaming about success can actually prime you to accept it.  If I know I'm meant to be represented by a large successful talent agency, when I finally get The Meeting I'm gonna knock it out of the park!  And if they don't represent me, then I'll patiently work harder while smiling ear to ear thinking about how much MORE AWESOME my future agent will be.

I got off topic...oh yeah! Discipline, one man band, and all that.

Okay, so today I thought to myself "why wouldn't I utilize every career furthering tool accessible to me?"  That means everything:  website, twitter, facebook, blogs, youtube.  In this day and age we have a plethora of avenues available for self promotion and exposure.  I've had this blog for almost a year, and do not use it to its full potential.

So here it is; my September Resolution: write more blogs.

That is all :)

(oh and in the spirit of self promotion)
twitter: @LenaNicoleT
facebook: Lena Thomas
youtube: LenaNico