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I'm an actress in Los Angeles with an Ewok for a dog and a lot of work ahead of me. Read first hand what happens when you pack up and head out West!


Job Versus Career.

I've learned over the years that your career and your job are two separate entities.  And it is my humble opinion that if your job is damaging your career -

I can't tell you how many people I've spoken with who sacrificed for months saving up enough money to move to LA, who survive in far less than perfect living situations, and miss their families every day just for the chance at a career in the entertainment business.  So many of those same people find themselves doing nothing but working.  Working at restaurants, working as assistants, working as extras, working as dog walkers.  And those jobs are commandeering all of their time.  All of it.  They wake up, go to work, come home, rinse and repeat.  Why do they have to work so much?  It's simple. The minimum wage in California is $8.00 an hour. That means that right now you'd have to work close to 35 minutes just to buy 1 gallon of gasoline.  The cost of living in this city is insane.  My 1/2 of the rent in my small studio apartment in Koreatown is equal to the total cost of my two bedroom apartment back in Georgia.  We have to work much longer to compensate for the wage gap.


But, you cannot sacrifice your reason for being.  Why are you in Los Angeles?  Think about it.  Why is your rent so high?  Why are you putting up with the highest gas prices in ANY state in America? Because you want to be an actor.  Your career should trump your day job any day. Period.  If you're going to be a receptionist for the rest of your life, why wouldn't you move to Tulsa, OK (rated cheapest major city to live in by areavibes.com)?  If the job you're doing could be anywhere, live somewhere cost effective so you're not throwing your paycheck away every month.

                                               I can't quit my job, I need to make money.

No doubt.  Of course you can't stop earning income - you'll be evicted!  But what you can do is keep an open mind and a keen eye out for newer, better-suited situations.  Your loyalties should lie with your dream, not with your friendly boss at the salon you part-time at.  And if finding a job that gives you time to audition means taking a pay cut, consider it.  Never live beyond your means.  I'm not saying every actor should be a literal "starving artist", but maybe eating out 3 times a week isn't something you can truly afford.  Look at where you live as well.  If you have an awesome apartment in a sweet part of town, but you're never there because your always working to pay rent, maybe you should consider a downgrade.  And partying.  I like to party (I like, I like to party) but I have to keep my fun meter in check with my wallet.  If you can't afford it, don't pretend you can just to hang out.  Be honest with your friends, I'll bet most of them are going through the same thing.  Don't start living the Hollywood lifestyle complete with daily latte's and designer sunglasses until your making the Hollywood salary.

I am just barely scraping by as it is.  I am stuck in this job.

Some people are already pinching as many pennies as humanly possible and still not making ends meet.  This is when it gets tricky.  You HAVE to pay rent, and buy food, and keep your lights on.  But that doesn't mean that you will never find a more flexible job.  Now it might not be the job you want.  Maybe being a cocktail waitress in that trendy bar on the other side of town you have a 2 hour commute to.  It's okay if you don't have the most glamorous survival job.

Trust me, there will come a time when the stars align and you've become acquainted with your personal standards and there it will be - The Perfect Part Time Job.  I found mine (took me about 2 years and a few doozies in between), but I am settled, I am happy, and most importantly - My career feels loved :)

Like I said - keep your eyes open.  You're going to find your path, it won't find you.  After all, you're the one with legs.

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